exhibition and performance
The UNexpected?
fredag d. 21. nov. kl. 18.00
exhibition until fredag d.
28. november
open mandag-fredag kl. 14-18
Crazy Artists Live Performance Show
Smashing and Crashing Balls Fun Game
exhibition is a mix of art
expressions from different cultures. Little plastic men, messages in
bottles, metal flying objects, paintings and stuff like that.
Based on the idea to see what happens, when these different
expressions meet. Join us at the opening of this exhibition, expect the unexpected
- we do!
Read the artists´
almost true commentaries about the eventful meeting.
All created by:
Ester Fabregat (Spain/Greece)
of human prostheses. Objects used in actions and then become
residues for reflection. I try to understand what's going on through
what I do. From what is left inside oneself, and what is outside.
Sincerely. Without protection. Waiting for impacts.
More about Ester at
watch a film
Frédéric Dilé (France)
When i was a kid the most funny thing for me was to disemble parts
of my father's electronic stuffs !! Didn't you know there was
electronic monsters hiding in your old radio ?My aim is to bring
those monsters alive in a different way creating new friendly
monsters :) My monsters may bring light, some might be flying one
day, some just do nothing, they have some wings sometimes, sometimes
Check out more at
Sibelle Tvermoes (Denmark)
Farver i takt, jeg er autodidakt,
inspireres af det hele,
mennesker, regnbuer, natur, dyr, eventyr,
og drømme i stride strømme,
inspireres af det hele uden at skele.
Se mere på
Karl Valve (Sweden)
Född 1978. Verksam i Malmö.
Jag målar
abstrakta bakgrunder med fotorealistiska motiv t ex en person eller
en bil. Jag gillar även att använda text i mina målningar. Mina
målningar är målade med akrylfärg. För mer info se
Rimantas Plunge (Lithuania)
Born: June 10, 1971 in Šiauliai Town, Lithuania),
Master of Humanities; Chairman, Department of Audio Visual Art,
Faculty of Arts, Šiauliai University; Lecturer. Educ.: 1989-1994 -
Šiauliai Instit. of Pedag (now Siauliai Univ.)., 1994-1996 - master
programme studies at Šiauliai Instit. of Pedag.
André Moulin (Denmark)
Ideen med at invitere til
denne udstilling er blot at se hvad der sker. Intet er dog helt
tilfældigt, men sker ved en form for intention....det samme vil ske til denne
udstiller bl.a. en række nye serigrafiske malerier med motiver fra New York.
viste maleri er i november 2008 på en
udstilling på Lyngby
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