Jeg taler ikk´ dansk
Udstilling af Jia Liu
Fotos, malerier, video, installation m.m.

Onsdag d. 25. juni 2008 kl. 20.00

Trods kort varsel blev udstillingen godt besøgt og der var stor interesse for de pudsige og sanselige ophængninger, fotos, kvitteringer, kinesisk film og legetøj.

Den kinesisk-amerikanske Jia Liu er i øjeblikket i Danmark for at færdiggøre sin HR-uddannelse. Samtidig er hun meget foto- og kunstinteresseret og med sit åbne sind og nysgerrighed har hun på rejser undfanget kulturer, som hun skildrer gennem sit kinesisk-amerikanske perspektiv. Som hun selv beskriver det:

Jia from China is a naive young lady full of seriousness and curiosity. Even though she deeply believes in fatalism, she lives in a fairly random life. Lived in Nanchang, Beijing, Guangzhou, Minneapolis, Princeton and currently living in Copenhagen, Jia is constantly experiencing cultural shocks but she cherishes the great connections she found in different cultures.

Using diverse media including painting, photography, installation and video, Jia is attempting to share the stories happened and are happening in her life.

"How it feels when I am dead" by Francisco Baiocchi

Step 1 Draw a warm bath.
Step 2 Take off all of your clothes. Enjoy the feeling of nakedness.
Step 3 Remove all of your skin. Enjoy the breeze against your organs.
Step 4 Carefully remove all of your soft and wet parts, one by one, and place them next to the tub. See if you can spell your name with all the little pieces. Tap on your ribs and listen to the hollow sound they make.
Step 5 Enjoy your skeleton.
Step 6 Then, slip into the warm water. Let your bones float quietly. If they sink, then you are not trying hard enough.
Step 7 Now, you can either stay in the tub all afternoon or you can get out of it. If you get out of it, then put back all your organs in their right places, and then pull your skin back over you. Now look in the mirror, and say:
“Congratulations, my bones are clean.”